
Adelbert Steiner is the Captain of the Knights of Pluto, the only male troops in Alexandria's military force. He is featured in Final Fantasy IX. Steiner usually has a massive frown to go with a grouchy disposition. Steiner is unusual amongst Final Fantasy characters, in that while the game allows the player to customise his name, the name the player chooses becomes his surname instead of his first name. For instance, if the player entered the name "Stephen," the character would be called "Captain Adelbert Stephen." This also makes him one of the only Final Fantasy Characters to be called by both the first and last name given in the game's manual during actual gameplay.

Steiner always wears a full suit of heavy armour throughout the game, giving him a bulky appearance, but somewhat more silly than menacing. Also, his footsteps constantly make clanking noises. His armour is frequently remarked by others, such as when Zidane refers to him as "Rusty" early in the game. Steiner only seems to mind this once (though his armour never appears damaged at all).

Steiner meets Zidane and the Tantalus group during their performance of a popular play, "I Want To Be Your Canary." He follows the Tantalus group after their "kidnapping" of Princess Garnet because of his oath to protect the Princess from danger. He joins forces with Zidane, whom he hates because he's a thief, but is willing to put up with just about anything to ensure Princess Garnet's safety. When the party learns of the Queen's role in the attacks on Burmecia, Steiner finds himself torn up inside at the fact that such horrible deeds could be committed by the person he's dedicated his life to defending.

Despite his disdain for most of the members of the group, Steiner has a humble respect for Vivi Orunitia, admiring his magical abilities and referring to him as "Master Vivi". When both Steiner and Vivi are in the party, Steiner has access to the Magic Sword abilities, which allow Vivi to charge Steiner's sword with the power of any of his black magic abilities, although MP consumption is limited to Steiner alone.

Steiner's love interest is his ex-rival, General Beatrix, which occurs after the result of Eiko's failed love letter to Zidane, presented in a Comedy of errors fashion.

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