
Donald Duck is the court wizard of Disney Castle and a loyal servant to King Mickey. He is a short-tempered, powerful magician on a quest to find King Mickey Mouse. In Kingdom Hearts, he embarks on a journey to carry out the missing king’s orders to follow the Keyblade wielder. Donald finds a letter from the King explaining his departure. Donald Duck sets out with Goofy to find and assist the King in the battle against the Heartless. He is a feisty, impatient magician whose antics are a real highlight of Sora's story. Donald is one of Sora's two companions who go with him to every world.

This version of Donald, like the protagonist, Sora, undergoes several transformations, including an octopus style merman, an African bird with his coloring and head, and an armored virtual rendition. In the world "Halloween Town", it has been said that Donald takes the form of a mummy due to the numerous bandages he is wrapped in, but closer inspection will reveal that Donald is actually invisible in that world, and the bandages are used to show where he is. This can be proven by close inspection of his midriff (which appears black when looking from the front, but is really the player looking into the inside of the bandages around his lower body), and his right elbow, which when viewed properly will show to be invisible. In Kingdom Hearts 2, he is able to fuse with Sora for Sora's Wisdom form, and later, along with Goofy, his Master and Final Forms.

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