Final Fantasy IV is the fourth installment in the Final Fantasy series developed by Square/Square Enix. It was originally released for Nintendo Super Famicom, and later ported or remade and released for other consoles. It is a favorite among many fans, and has the first cast of characters in the series that players grew to know to such a degree that they became almost more than mere video game characters.
There are twelve playable characters in the game (sorted by appearance):
- Cecil Harvey, [role of character]
- Kain Highwind, [role of character]
- Rydia, [role of character]
- Tellah, [role of character]
- Edward von Muir, [role of character]
- Rosa Farrell, [role of character]
- Yang, [role of character]
- Palom, [role of character]
- Porom, [role of character]
- Cid Pollendina, [role of character]
- Edge, [role of character]
- Fusoya, [role of character]
Earth, consisting of the Overworld and the Underworld.
- Baron, [role of location]
- Mysidia, [role of location]
- [major location], [role of location]
World Similarities[]
The Empire of Baron is mentioned in Final Fantasy Tactics, in its history records.
The Earth of Final Fantasy IV could possibly be the same planet as the world of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. This is due to the fact that Kain and Porom are featured as downloadable content for My Life as a Darklord, a Crystal Chronicles spin-off. Whether the two worlds are the same has not been officially established by Square Enix as of yet.
Box Art[]
External links[]
- [Official site]
- [Wiki page]