Final Fantasy X is the tenth installment of the Final Fantasy series. Released in 2001, Final Fantasy X tells the story of a summoner who ventures to obtain the Final Summoning needed to defeat the malevolent being called Sin.
There are six playable characters in the game (sorted by appearance):
- Yuna, the young summoner wanting to defeat Sin, alongside her guardians;
- Tidus, a blitzball player,
- Wakka, a nother bliztball player,
- Lulu, a black magician,
- Auron, once the guardian of Yuna's father who is also a summoner,
- Rikku, an Al Bhed and Yuna's cousin,
- Kimahri Ronso, a Ronso guardian.
Final Fantasy X is set in Spira, a world regulated by the Yevon doctrine which guides the summoners in defeating Sin.
Final Fantasy elements[]
- Chocobo
- Chocobo serves as land transport, and is also used in a mini-game called Chocobo Racing
- Cid
- This recurring character is Yuna's uncle, and leader of the Al Bhed.
- Crystals
- Exist as Spheres.
- Gilgamesh
- Afraid of Sin, thus he didn't show up, maybe.
- Moogles
- Reduced to magical dolls controlled by Lulu.
- Summons
- An integral part of the story.