Wonderland, based on Disney's thirteenth animated feature, Alice in Wonderland, is featured in Kingdom Hearts as one of the first worlds visited on Sora's journey. It is a whimsical world of unreliable physics and irrefutable illogic. Its colorful inhabitants seem to speak in riddles and code. Wonderland is ruled by the despotic Queen of Hearts.
The most dominant feature of Wonderland's entrance is the Bizarre Room. Many of the items here can be pushed flat into the walls and strange potions here can change Sora's size. The next area is the Queen's Castle where most of her courtly functions are carried out. A verdant hedgemaze surrounds this area. Connected to the courtyard is the Lotus Forest, where flowers talk and trees move for inexplicable reasons. Near the rear of the forest is the Tea Party Garden where an extravagant feast is laid out for seemingly no one. Throughout the world are hidden entrances to the Bizarre Room which have irrational effects on the direction of its gravity.